
Essay On Panthers For Recovery

Decent Essays

After leaving professor Barry's class somewhat tired and eager to attend The Panthers for recovery program that was taking place in about an hour on July 5th. I knew where the meeting was going to be held at first but then the room was changed so I had to ask someone from my class to point me in the right direction of the new room. When finding the classroom I noticed a journalist I knew from the panther price was also attending the meeting so I became more interested and was eager to find out more about this meeting.

The room was small and it did not seem expected that there were going to be as many people showing up to this meeting as there turned out to be. I Arrived about five minutes before the meeting was supposed to start and I …show more content…

As soon as he said those words it became apparent to everyone in the room including myself that this was a very serious and safe environment for something of this importan as soon as he said those words it became apparent to everyone in the room including myself that this was a very serious and safe environment for something of this importance can't be spoken about freely which in itself made me feel as if The process of an addiction treatment group became more real. TV again explaining his story and I immediately began to see myself in a lot of the actions that his high school self was taking, I am mediately could see myself in him. He told us about where "It all started to go wrong." And immediately the room felt like they got heavier. Even though no one was speaking or murmuring before it felt like there was a different tone of silence while he was explaining the more serious effects of his addiction. It made me really scared as well as sorry for him due to how easy it was to stray from the path that seemed so similar to my own.
D then shared his personal story of struggling with addiction and it sounded both unique and similar to T story. He then asked if anyone from the audience wanted to share their story of struggling with addiction and there was an uncomfortable shift among us in the audience due to probably around 90% of us being a part of Barry's

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