In the story of Samson, his strength lies within his hair. That's sort of case for my story if you think pounding your fist on the floor in a fit of rage and spazzing your head to deal with pain “strength.” So my story begins in high school of junior year on Go Texan day of 2016. My school is a private school and it shouldn’t be shocking that my school has dress codes for uniforms and hair to keep the list short. So on Texan day you dress your best western cowboy like attire and so I wore my new Ariat boots, the next class I had to go to was Latin class and it was also downstairs. As I was walking down stairs, the french teacher, who is one of the more stricker teachers, was walking up the stairs the same time I was walking down and I had
That day came sooner than expected. My student picked a oad from south texas to the Los Angeles area. He made an excellent choice except for one reason. That reason was that load couldnt deliver early, adn it gave us a week to go just 1400 miles. We had disacussed those thigs before, but he made a mistake and we dealt with it. How, well we stayed in south texas for three days, partying at night across the border in Mexico, and sleeping it off at the terminal each day. Then we left for California. This was his trip, and I was just a buddy riding with him. He called all the shots, you know, where and when to get fuel, meals, breaks, and all the rest. WHe said he was ready, but he failed. WHy did he fail, because he was doingquite well until we
Our yearly pilgrimage to our deer lease in Menard, Texas starts every year on the first Friday in November. To get there we head four hours north thru the sprawling metropolis of San Antonio, full of its traffic and impatient drivers. Upon leaving the city limits of San Antonio, we head west towards Kerrville and the landscape starts to change drastically. No longer are we driving on flat land but now the car is climbing small hills and the road winds. We drive in this direction until we reach the vast acres of ranch land located on a lonely farm road between the small cities of Junction and Menard. If you drive too fast down the winding road, you will miss the old metal gate that is almost hidden by brush trees. My husband is the hunter, yet I love to come with him, because this is the place, where I disconnect from the fast paced life of city dwelling and feel reconnected once again to nature and I find peace and rest here in this cactus and dirt oasis.
I went to the Texas Book Festival with my girlfriend. When we first arrived, I was not sure where the Texas Book Festival was, or where to park. After 15 minutes of trying to find a parking spot, we found one. In the end, we were there from 11pm to 2:50pm, in that time we explored the different tents and experienced Fany Gerson, a chef and Mexican author, make Mexican ice cream.
Unfortunately, I would not be making it to your America history 102 class today, due to some unexpected family situation. Hopefully by next week class I will be somewhat caught up. Also, I recently had a situation with my midterm essay, I spend almost two to three hours typing the essay at Kalamazoo Valley Community College (TTC) in the computer center and when I was about to be finished, I assumed I saved the paper so I exit it out and after my wellness class I had gone back to the computer center and I had noticed my midterm essay was not in my document folder. There was nothing I and the computer staff can do, so now I am currently typing a whole knew midterm essay, and since I have a horrible memory I am not sure what I wrote about the
The final weeks of my first semester in college are coming to an end. My Columbus State english class has written a total of three projects, and a total of four papers. There are a lot of grammatical issues that, at the beginning of the year, I had issues on. However, I have improved on these errors drastically, and have become a better writer because of it. Even though I am still working on many aspects of my writing, I do believe that I have become a better writer. I believe that my biggest issues while writing are run on sentences, making a strong thesis statement, and having quotes stand alone at the beginning of a paragraph.
An american story is a story revolving around his or her lifestyle, culture and everyday habits. This is about past experiences, accomplishments, and biggest downfalls. I will be discussing not only my biggest accomplishments, but also my biggest failures that I have occurred in life. What will my american story be? Keep reading to find out.
Having lived in the southern coastal region of Texas I have seen many of the beauties that nature offers, but many of these beauties also bring complicated needs to those they effect. I've discovered the power and magnitude of lightning storms I've been entranced by the soft crashing of the waves on the coast but the most beautiful and perhaps the most devastating phenomena I have ever viewed are hurricanes. Hurricanes have swept through my home front on many occasions, these powerful giants drift through towns decimating all in their paths breaking trees, ripping roofs off houses, and bringing with them a flood like no other. The high water and gale force winds that comprise these natural wrecking balls can cripple families and in my community
I was born in El Paso, Texas to Mexican immigrant parents who did their best to raise me and my three siblings. Growing up in El Paso I never even saw myself applying to college, but then my dad made a bold choice to start a career in homeland security and that was when we moved to the DFW area. Ever since we moved to DFW every grade in junior high, i was talked to about college: how to get there, how to pay for it, and how to make it a reality. The thought of going to college never even crossed my mind before coming here. Now as a Senior in high school I'am doing everything in my abilities to make my dreams come true, to go to college and graduate to make my parents proud and prove to them that all their sacrifices haven't gone by without
My family moved to Texas changed how I viewed or felt about my how much family is important to me. When we first started packing for them to go to Texas they helped us pack to move too.We all had to do a lot because we had to do theirs and ours.
I am not from San Antonio. I am not from Texas. I’m from California. Where no one twangs, or drawls, or even says hi to the stranger standing in line at the grocery store. Texas, half way across the U.S and what seems like a whole other country compared to California. It is a completely different place that I could have ever imagined living and calling home. I came to Texas to find myself. I didn’t know that when I came here, but it is what ended up happening.
The most difficult time i have faced was when I moved from Texas. I was born in San Antonio, Texas and I lived there for about 6 years. San Antonio was so much fun just because y enitre famly lived withing 10 minutes of each other. Then, we had to move to Midland, Texas, that move was not very hard just because i was so young so i was not ery attatched to things and people around me, besides my family. We lived in Midland for about 4 years after that and it was my favorite town. The people the energy of the people there was so awesome I loved it. Then one day we got the call that had to move again. We were already pretty far from our family and so to learn that we had to move even farther was devistating. So thats when we had to leave the state
I stared blankly out the window, then to my family, then the box that sat right in front of me. “Aren’t you going to open your present?” Usually I’d tear into the paper and reveal the item that I longed for, but I honestly could care less what I got. This family Christmas celebration was a little different, and I really had to make it count. This was just days before we had to make our trek to the great state of Texas. Thoughts about the move raced through my mind, going from California to Texas would definitely be a big change.
I am proud to say that I am Mexican/American because I have more opportunities when looking for a job for knowing how to speak both English and Spanish. Knowing that my parents both came from Mexico makes me a proud daughter because of all the hard work and dedication they put to get me to where I am today. Although it wasn’t easy for my parents to cross the border, I look up to them for bringing me into this world full of opportunities. My dad risked his life walking through the desert in order to cross the border to enter the United States all because he wanted give his kids a better future. My father wanted my siblings and I to be able to have a good education because he didn’t want us to go through the difficult moments he went through
Growing up, majority of the time I was the youngest and shortest out of everyone else, so it was really hard to do things I wanted to do. I didn’t always live in Texas either. Before I moved here a lot happened. My mom was married to my biological father for a little then they got a divorce so he really wasn’t there to see me grow up only when I and my brother got to visit him. A little while later my mom was getting remarried and I didn’t really like the guy at first, but that’s like most little kids trying to adjust to new surroundings. Whenever my mom got remarried we became a military family and I didn’t know until I was older so it really didn’t affect me at the time. A couple of weeks later we moved to Germany. Here’s really when I really got sneaky.
I believe that the situations I’ve been put through hold full responsibility for shaping me into the young, responsible, independent woman I have become. Going through my father’s deportation and having to depend on myself since I was only eight years old has had the biggest impact in my life.