
Essay On Police Deviance

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Police deviance is an unfortunate fact of life. What is the difference between misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance? To what extent does Plato's notion of the "tri-partite soul" help account for these misbehaviors? Misfeasance is defined in the Legal Dictionary as a term used in Tort Law to describe an act that is legal but performed improperly ("Misfeasance," n.d., para. 1). Its basically a an improper performance of an act by an official that was lawful to perform (Arrigo & Williams, 2008, p. 98). An example of a misfeasance very well might be something as simple as a supervisor of a cellblock issuing out a more favorable work assignment in the wood shop to a prisoner on the agreement the prisoner was to build the supervisor a china cabinet for his wife for her birthday present if the supervisor provided the materials for it. The prisoner in question obtained a privileged that …show more content…

1). Our text defines it as a direct misconduct or wrongful conduct by a public official or employee (Arrigo & Williams, 2008, p. 98). An example of malfeasance of duty would be a rouge Sheriff who seized two hundred (200) pounds of marijuana in a drug operations. The case went through the legal system and the subject was prosecuted and the destruction order was issued for the evidence, the Sheriff and his Deputy reported they burned the drugs. However they lied, they didn’t destroy the drugs the hid them and months later set up a drug deal with who they thought were drug dealers in South Florida to sell the drugs. In reality they sold the drugs to Federal Agents and were arrested for public corruption for trafficking drugs an illegal activity. The Sheriff as well as the Deputy abused the power that was given to them by attempting to sell the drugs that should have been destroyed after declared so by the

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