
Essay On Poverty In America

Decent Essays

Poverty is a large issue in america with an appalling 43.1 million americans living in poverty as shown on the U.S Census Bureau. Poverty may not seem like that much of an issue if it doesn't affect someone personally, but it’s an issue that affects everyone no matter what. The consequences of a high poverty rate is the tensions that will indefinitely affect both the rich and poor. One such place that shows these tensions are Danville, KY. Danville’s current poverty rate is 19.2% with over 28,000 people living in the town. One such group that is affected by this is women from ages 25-34. Women suffer in the workforce mainly because of 3 reasons: jobs that apply more to men than women, no paid leave when woman is pregnant, and no pay equity. …show more content…

A good way on going about this and avoiding arguments in the workforce is to provide jobs that may apply more to women. Another reason is no paid leave when women become pregnant. While jobs will provide women 12 weeks job protected leave, it is not paid leave. This discourages women to become pregnant while they have a job. A women wanting to start a family should not be discouraged but should be celebrated and accepted. Jobs when they hire a women should be able to guarantee that a women if they become pregnant will have 12 weeks of paid leave to recover. According to, “women in their early 20’s and early 30’s are when most have a child…”. This is why women 25-34 in Danville are in poverty; many lose their jobs because jobs won’t give them paid leave and 12 weeks to recover. Jobs are now the deciding factor on whether a husband and wife can start a family or not. The last reason is due to no pay equity. I can relate to this because I was raised by my mother alone and with the help of my

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