
Essay On Prenatal Care

Decent Essays

I have worked as a nurse in obstetrics for over 20 years. I was not surprised by the findings revealed in the Milligan article. The article provided barriers and motivations for women to receive prenatal care. The first barrier identified was drug abuse. Many of these women choose to not get any prenatal care or enter prenatal care very late in their pregnancy because they are scared they will have their baby taken from them. Some of these women will attempt to “get clean” themselves. They are unaware that detoxing during pregnancy is extremely dangerous. The risk for intrauterine fetal death is very high and they need to be monitored very closely while being detoxed. This article also reveals that a supportive partner is seen as an important motivator for the patient (Milligan, 2002). I completely agree! No one wants to feel alone when they are pregnant. These patients need a support person because they are at an increase risk of noncompliance. They need daily encouragement and they need someone who will help hold them accountable. …show more content…

It saddens me to read how so many patients have limited access to services due to their ethnic background. While our nation is known for its diversity, we still have so many patients being denied access to services because they are not proficient in the English language. This article reinforces how culture and beliefs play a large role in establishing what is normal for a particular ethnic group. Each culture may view and deal with a situation differently or find certain means more acceptable than others. As providers, it is essential that we understand these variances to help minimize inequalities between cultures. This article highlights how every patient deserves to be treated equally and have equal access to services and

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