
Essay On Racial Minorities

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A racial minority is a group with physical features that are different from the main population, most distinctly skin color, and it is often characterized by where their ancestors were from. African Americans are a minority in the United States, making up 13.2 percent of the U.S and the obvious majority is made up of white americans, making up 77.7 percent of the country. Black people are not given the same privileges as white people even though the biggest differences between them are where their ancestors were born and the amount of melanin in their skin. Skin color has no correlation to someone’s potential to perform well socio-economically, but it has become the basis of prejudice against African Americans. People of African American descent in America require assistance in receiving equal opportunities as majorities because they are less likely to be considered for jobs despite being just as capable and are falsely punished for crimes …show more content…

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average unemployment rate for a college educated black man was 8.4 percent , almost double that of a college educated white man -- 4.4 percent. The unemployment figures of high school educated black and white men were similar, 15.9 percent and 10 percent respectively (http://www. 12/01/us/01raceg.html). These two groups have received the equal amount of education as the other race, but black people seem to struggle more to find jobs. Employers need to start disregarding race as an influence for employment, and judge people upon the the assets the have as individuals. Racial bias against African Americans is prevalent in the American criminal justice system. In a recent event, Mike Brown, an unarmed teenager from Ferguson, Missouri, was shot multiple times by a police officer for stealing a pack of cigars

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