
Essay On Reconstruction Dbq

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After the Union’s victory in the Civil War during 1865, the era of Reconstruction began, an era in which the prospect of rebuilding the nation once again after the catastrophic effects of the war arose. During Reconstruction, African Americans were attempted to be integrated into American society, it was questioned on what terms Confederate states would be welcomed into the country, and the economy was meant to be fixed but all of this ultimately failed. Reconstruction was not successful in rebuilding the political, economical, and racial issues in the country post Civil War as there were even more racial and discriminatory issues, a damaged federal government, and an injured economy as well. To begin with, after the war and during Reconstruction, even though the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were established to help …show more content…

Because there were no longer large amounts of workers who did free labor in plantations the economy only worsened. Document 7 which provides a visual before and after of sharecropping maps is there to show what plantations looked like before war and what they were turned into during Reconstruction. This document helps show how a major southern income, plantations, were being turned into sharecropping units with the idea to help African Americans by giving them land, and the economy prosper. This although did not happen because President Andrew Johnson ordered all land under federal control to be returned back to the previous owners, those being the previous white plantation owners. So neither previous plantation owners or blacks were able to benefit from this, hindering economic

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