
Essay On SARS

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Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS for short, is an internationally known epidemic that first broke out in 2002 in southern China. SARS is caused by the SARS coronavirus, or SARS CoV which was genetically proven to have originated from Guangzhou. Guangzhou is the origin of which caused the spread of SARS into other countries. By 2003 SARS became a global disease severely affecting several other countries such as, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Canada, and Singapore. SARS causes numerous respiratory complications, some of which become fatal if not properly treated in adequate time. Treatment options for SARS vary depending on the severity of the disease, how strong or weak the person infected with SARS immune system is, and how quickly …show more content…

Lots of times when respiratory failure and hypoxemia become present, and as the infected patient’s health continues to deteriorate they are placed in the hospital’s ICU. If further decline of the respiratory system takes place and treatment does not succumb to the disease ARDS can take place, which will require invasive mechanical ventilation. Death has occurred as a result from this disease which is why the seriousness of seeking treatment early on is momentous. Due to SARS being a newly discovered disease in 2002-2003, treatment options, possible cures, and plans for care of this disease were unprecedented. Oxygen therapy was normally initiated in the preliminary stages of SARS. Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) was reported to be found efficacious in those with respiratory failure as a result from SARS. NIV reduced the occurrence of intubation or invasive ventilation, as well as reduced the length of hospital stays in patients researched with SARS. Ribavirin which is a drug that is helpful in fighting certain viruses by preventing replication of viral cells has been greatly used in the treatment of SARS. Research later provided that the drug had no notable effect on the disease. Lopinavir, another antiviral drug was another drug that was experimented with as a treatment of SARS and was found to reduce overall death rate by 2.3% as well as intubations. Other drugs such as IV pulse

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