
Essay On Safeguarding

Satisfactory Essays

Safeguarding, Duty of Care and Child Protection
Safeguarding - is to protect all the children against abuse, maltreatment, neglect, unfair treatment and violence.
It is to make sure that, children will grow up in safe environment/circumstances.
It is to make it possible for children so they can achieve the best outcomes.
It is to prevent impairment of a children’s health or development.
Safeguarding is an umbrella that covers lots of themes
• Policies and procedures
• Anti-bullying
• Media and internet safety
• Risk assessment
• Domestic abuse
• Child protection
• Health and safety
• Safer recruitment

Duty of care – childminder has a legal and morally obligation to protect and keep all the children safe from harm and protect them from the risk of being …show more content…

I will attend a safeguarding course to make sure that I am up to date with safeguarding requirements
Regarding e-safety, I will have a filter on my computer/tablets that blocks out any inappropriate images and information. I will monitor the websites/applications that the children are using and ensure that they are appropriate for them. Younger children are supervised whilst using the computer/tablet and online programmes/applications.
The time in which children spend on the computer/tablet will be limited. I will also discuss with the children about the importance of keeping safe online, not forwarding on chain letters, not talking to people they don’t know, not giving out personal information that could enable people to identify them, to tell me if they are worried about anything and to never arrange to meet anyone they have spoken to online.
Finally I will require parental consent from parents/carers before children are allowed to use my computer or have access to the internet at my

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