
Essay On Social Media Project

Decent Essays

Social Media Project

The three schools I chose for this project are Miami University located in Miami, Florida division I school; DePaul University located in Chicago, Illinois non-football division I school; Delta State University located in Cleveland, Mississippi division II school. All three schools use various forms of social and after following all three schools I assess each school’s social networking strategies and I determine what was effective and ineffective and I made some suggestions of what strategies if implemented may improve each school’s social networking.

University of Miami- is a private school located in downtown Miami, Florida, the University of Miami founded in 1925. University of Miami has over 16,000 …show more content…

The account should provide more photos of the campus, and it should provide tweets about the football program, and the university should tweet about the university’s involvement in the environment and not the university’s support of climate change politics to avoid alienating people who disagree with climate change politics.

Instagram account: 816 posts 26.7k followers. The University of Miami account averages a post every two days. The university’s themes are protecting the environment, religious freedom, scientific research, academic achievement of students, athletic achievements, and alumni & veterans groups most of the posts are the same as the university’s twitter account.
The University of Miami announces their athlete wins with the scores and makes mention student-athletes who have set records. Some of the university’s posts are about former students and their career progress. The posts are announcements with just likes and comments from followers.
Assessment: the university provides the some of the same information as the university’s twitter account, the exception of the scores being added to sporting events. The university provides excellent photos of the students doing various works in the community and the account provides good follow up posts of former students and how their education from the University of Miami has help them achieve success in the world.
Suggestions: the University

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