
Essay On Texas Judges

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In Texas, the Judicial Branch of government contains five different levels of judges; however each distinct type adheres to different qualifications. The lowest level of judges, Justice of the Peace courts, requirements include the completion of a 40 hour course pertaining to their responsibilities within a year of their election, and to continue serving their 4 year term, each year the elected Justice of the Peace official is to complete a similar 20 hour course. Next is the Municipal Courts, whose requirements are set by the people of the city and term length is also 4 years. Succeeding is County level courts which include Constitutional County Courts, Statutory County Court and Probate Courts. For Constitutional County Courts, the term length is 4 years and the only qualification is that the candidate be “well informed in the law of the state”. …show more content…

Qualifications for District Courts include being between the ages of 25 and 75, a United States citizen, a resident of Texas, licensed to practice law in Texas, a resident of the given district for at least 2 years prior to election, and have practiced law or served as a state judge for at least 4 years, with a term length of 4 years. The final level of courts is the Appellate Courts which include the Supreme Court, the Courts of Criminal Appeals and Courts of Appeals. To serve as a judge on any of the appellate courts the candidate must be both a United States citizen and a resident of Texas, between the ages of 35 and 75 years old, licensed to practice law in Texas and be a practicing lawyer and or judge for at least 10 years, with a term length of 6

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