
Essay On The Dulles Brothers

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Just Imagine being in charge of an entire nation, and having a magnificent plan to help save the world, all while having your brother right by your side. That is the story of the Dulles brothers in Stephan Kenzer’s book, “The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War”. This book goes into great detail concerning two men in our history that first handedly lead our nation and the world into severe events that are still concerning us today.
John Foster Dulles, was the secretary of state for President Eisenhower’s time in office, and his brother Allen Dulles was the director of Central Intelligence during the same time period. Up until this time, there had never been siblings controlling side by side in U.S. foreign policy. One of the Dulles brother’s biggest influences on our history, in my opinion, is that they grafted a specific philosophy into the American political character. They built a belief that the United States has the right to overthrow a government it does not like. This is an extremely relevant topic right now in our world involving our issues against other nations.
Long after the Dulles brothers died did the full consequences of their actions become clear. They may have believed the countries in which they intervened would quickly become stable, prosperous and free, but rather …show more content…

They felt that if other counties would become more and more like the United States, they would become happier, more prosperous and be able to provide better lives for their people and stability for the world. It never occurred to them that other countries have other cultures and different ideas about what constitutes a good life and that the American system doesn’t fit everybody. In conclusions, decades later we could all agree that the Dulles approach to the world and this outlook onto other nations did not work out well for

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