
Essay On The Effects Of The Treaty Of Versailles

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Effects of the Treaty of Versailles
A French General and Supreme Leader of the Allied Forces during World War 1, Ferdinand Foch said "This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years". The Great War was fought by 32 countries killing over 8 million soldiers. It was started with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the future emperor of Austria-Hungary. Serbia financed the killing which led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. All countries ally declared war on each other resulting in a global conflict. After four years, The Treaty of Versailles ended the war on June 28, 1919, however; the treaty was very harsh towards Germany. France and Britain wanted Germany to pay for the damage to each country, and they hated …show more content…

The treaty only allowed Germany to have 100,000 soldiers, France wanted this to happen. The treaty only let them have 15,000 sailors, and England wanted that. England and France only wanted them to have 6 battleships and no submarines. France also did not want them to have any tanks. The treaty said they could have limited weapon production. They did all this because the Allies wanted them to be so weak that they could never start a war again. The treaty would affect Germany’s economy too. The treaty made them give up 70,000 kilometers of territory and even some colonies. Hyperinflation made Germany’s money worthless. On top of that they had pay 33 billion dollars in reparation payments to rebuild France and England. The Allies occupied part of the land Germany had to give up. They had to give up land so they lost significant amount valuable resources like coal, oil, and people. The Treaty affected the German people’s pride. They had to admit they started the war. They even looked for a new leader because they blamed the government. The Germans felt defenseless and unsafe because they didn’t have a big army. Many the German people were starving, poor, and homeless because they had no

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