
Essay On The Founding Fathers Of America

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The united states managed to free itself from Great Britain and gained its independence. The thirteen colonies were not seen the same they gained a new name. The united states of america, which was founded by seven people. The seven people were known as the “founding fathers of america”. As well , when the united states established its liberty, documents were established. The most important documents are : the declaration of indepence , the bill of rights , and the constitution. The documents were signed by the founding fathers and they excluded people of color. Anyone who wasn’t a U.S citizen was seen as an alien ,racism occurred at the time and is rising.

When the foundation of the country started the founding fathers did not use the proper tools to establish the country. Ethically speaking the founding fathers left a system that was based upon religion ,but not followed. They had a war with England and didn’t abolish slavery. As Exodus 21:16 says, “whoever steals a man and sells him ,and anyone found in possession of him shall be put to death. Washington and Jefferson were supposed to be the fathers of liberty ,but owned slaves. All the tools …show more content…

In the declaration of indepence it claims that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty,and pursuit of happiness”. If not being a U.S citizen makes you an alien why speak about equality. According to Jefferson if laws were not made then destruction would’ve occurred. The destruction dress up in suits everyday and follow a system that sets it up so “all equal men”can’t be successful. According to (NAACP), “Eight percent achieve goals, one in seven americans struggle with hunger, thirty four percent african americans are incarcerated. Only one out of one hundred and six white men are incarcerated” . “All men are not created

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