
Essay On The Gettysburg Address

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Blood, sweat, and tears will always be shed. Maybe you will find bone or even an actual bloody body part on the very land of Gettysburg if you went back in time to the very moment of the war. July 1 to July 3, 1863, will forever go down as the bloodiest moments during the Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point during the American Civil War. The American Civil War started because of the differences between the free and enslaved state. They fought over the power of the national governments to forbid slavery in the territories that have yet to become states. The South is also known as the Confederate were at war with the North also known as the Union. After the war Abraham Lincoln gave his famous speech, The Gettysburg Address. In his speech he mentioned that the dead who fought shall not die in vain. His speech also addresses the concept of equality and the struggle with equality.
During the Civil War, both sides were overwhelmed with the death and disease. In the Killer Angels three significant characters were in need of medical help. Colonel Joshua L.Chamberlain his fellow friend Private Buster Kilrain and General John Hood all had some unlucky things happen to them. Chamberlain was for the Union, he was thirty-four years old man who left his home in Maine and a professorship at Bowdoin College to come to war. He is the colonel of the Twentieth Maine Infantry regiment. Kilrain also for the Union was a former sergeant who was demoted to private for

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