
Gilded Age Essay

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“In 1873 Mark Twain and Charles Warner wrote the novel, The Gilded Age: A Tale of of Today. The term the Gilded Age was later used for the era in American history that began in 1870 and lasted until 1900. This was a fitting description for this era because America appeared to be a great and amazing country, however many critics pointed out that the country has lots of poverty, corruption, crime, and great separations of wealth between the rich and the poor. The Gilded Age was rapidly growing in industry because of all of the inventions that were created. The cities grew in size which brought a high demand of housing. As a result of more housing skyscrapers, created by Andrew Carnegie, and mansions were built. At this time cultural activity …show more content…

Reforms began to organize to help the urban poor and formed organizations, such as The Social Gospel Movement, the Salvation Army, the YMCA, the settlement house, and women's clubs. The Social Gospel Movement worked to better the conditions in cities applying the biblical ideas of charity and justice. The movement inspired many churches to build gyms, provide social programs and child care, and help the poor. The Salvation Army and the YMCA also combined faith and an interest in reform. The Salvation Army offered practical aid and religious counseling to the urban poor. The YMCA helped industrial workers and the urban poor by organizing Bible studies, citizenship training, and group activities. They also provided low-cost boarding houses for young men. Dwight L. Moody, the president of the Chicago YMCA, felt the way to help the urban poor was redeeming their souls and character, and not providing them service, like the Social Gospel and Social Darwinism proposed how to help the poor. The settlement house movement provided numerous community services such as medical care, child care, libraries, and classes in English. Jane Addams opened Hull House in Chicago in 1889. Lillian Wald founded the Henry Street Settlement in New York City. Theses two women were very powerful and effectful in the settlement house movement and in social

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