
Essay On The Masque Of The Red Death

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The Masque of the Red Death
The hidden message in Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death” is that death cannot be averted from humans because no matter what we do, our life in this world comes to an extent. In the story, there are two main characters, which are Prospero and the Red Death. There was a sickness in the kingdom that was killing many people. So Prospero decided to have a big party that only the rich can go to. When suddenly appeared the “person” with a costume that was known as the “Red Death”. The people were frightened of that person so, Prospero had chased him down, and discovered that it was nothing. He instantly fell to the grown and died, as well as the others in the party.
In the story, Poe says “He had come like a thief in the night.”(461) The simile, “like a thief in the night”, goes back to a famous line in the Bible. In the Bible, Paul says that Jesus will come when the world is least depending on it. Paul is referring to the end of times and Poe is attributing it to the “Red Death” because it came out of nowhere and people begin to die. This apocalyptic symbol shows that people cannot escape death becuase it will come out of the blue.
There are seven rooms where the people go into that have different colors and …show more content…

The apocolyptic symbol shows that it will happen whenever and however, but no one will see it coming. The clock chimes everytime someone died, like it says, “ And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay.” Lastly, the “Red Death” was an obvious symbol but Poe made it red because it is such a dramatic color for death, just like blood. In the end, not only does the symbol and characters mean something but the whole story is kind of reality if you think about it. People are greedy and tend to get bad karma and they don’t realize that death can come at an unwanted

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