
Essay On The Movie Crash

Decent Essays

After watching the movie Crash it made me realize actions in today’s society that I over look on a day to day basis. This movie truly opened my eyes up to how people truly feel in everyday life when being discriminated against. It was hard to think that this happens and no hardly bats an eye. During the film it was easy to see that the characters all seem to keep running back into each other at some point in time. I think this was to help show just how people can change and how everyone’s lives are intertwined no matter who we are or what we do. It was very appealing to me to see how in the beginning we see two white police officers pull over a black couple in which they then proceed to bring them outside of the car and frisk the women to the point of sexual assault. This then proceeds to reinforce the common stereotype that all police officers violate the law themselves in order to gain power over a situation or make it easier for them to place the normal generalization upon other citizens. After seeing what one of the officers does to the female we immediately pass judgment on this officer. Do I agree that he was wrong in doing …show more content…

I feel that these were so highly emphasized to help draw attention to them. No, they may not be used as much in the real world, but it still serves a purpose in showing people just how big these stereotypes really are. It can also show just how big of an impact it really has on people. For an example look at the lock smith and the convenient store owner. The lock smith fixed the lock and then proceeded to tell the owner that the door needed fixed as well. When there was a breakdown of communication between the two a racial slur was implicated in which the lock smith just left. After the store was looted the owner looked toward the lock smith as if he had something to do with it based upon his race and

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