
Essay On The Role Of Slavery

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The role of slavery has been essential in the history and development of the United States. As Zagazzri noted that “(b)y 1776, African Americans comprised about 20% of the entire population in the 13 mainland colonies.” During the colonial era, slaves were transported to the America colonies as exchange items for goods through the Triangular trade. After arriving the America colonies, the slaves played the roles of the majority manpower needed in the United States by cultivating the new land in terms of farmers, servants, handicraftsmen, or solders. Afterwards, during the Revolutionary War, slaves chose a side, either the British or the America colonies, they wanted to fight for a better offer in terms and a possibility of future freedom. The slaves again met the need for the lack of manpower and provided the service that the United States requested. Triangular trade, as a hint from the first three …show more content…

Rum, one of the few "finished goods" sent to England, was also the desired signature item. Finished goods are more valuable than raw materials; hence, it is right and understandable to say that slaves were the necessary base of this trade which influenced the development and trade power of the Americans and the British in an opposite way. There were “…at least 5,000 black soldiers who fought on the patriot side during the Revolutionary War” such as gunners, guides, messengers, sailors, spies, waiters, artisans, or cooks. They did not only contribute in the war field but also assist with the daily life routine during the war. It is believed that some of them were forced to join the war while others did so to obtain their own freedom as promised by the troops or owners. Many slaves might not have served in the war as patriots, but the manpower they provided was essential for the shortage in the colonists’

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