Since education has been a hot topic nowadays, parents are looking for the best way of educating their children. After Amy Chua, a mother who successfully sent her two daughters to Harvard University and Yale University, published a book named Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, a kind of authoritarian education term called Tiger Mother raises heated debate around the world. Tiger Mother is a strict parenting term for parents, especially Asian parents, to push their children to succeed academically through some extreme methods like force their children to sacrifice most of their free time in repeating doing practice. Although some western countries even try to value Tiger Mother in these years, Tiger Mother is not a suitable way for every child …show more content…
Stern education always provide stress to children by parents’ high expectation. Desiree Baolian Qin, a professor in Michigan State University, strongly opposed Chua’s Tiger Mother education. She claimed that according to her survey, when parents put so much pressure on their children, those children would be even unhappier (Rochman). To some extent, children should have right to be happy and play, but under authoritarian education, they have to give up “play” to “success”, which could easily increase their disappointment of life. Despite loss of happiness, some psychology problems might emerge due to the high-pressure parenting. Professor Wang Cixin from University of California did a survey in 589 Chinese students and concluded that Tiger Mother is not a model for education because the achievement that children get are followed by their mental cost, especially depression symptom(Rivas). The depression symptom is a potential danger for children in their growth process for it might lead to children’s autotomy or even suicide. South Korea, a country well-known by its harsh education, reports that about half of their youth have the thoughts of suicide because of having too much school pressure (Kang). Therefore, Tiger Mother is not suitable for every child because of the potential harm on their
In “Adapted from Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” author Amy Chua argues that, instead of constantly praising a child for the slightest success, parents should only expect perfection from their children and nothing less. She explains that Western parents are not as strict on their children as Chinese parents are. That Western parents don’t believe in stressing educational success and that education should be something fun. In contrast, Chinese parents believe that academic success is very important and to get good at something it takes practice and hard work which may not seem fun at first but in the long run the activity becomes fun once mastered. Chua also believes that Chinese parents can get away with things that Western parents cannot such as calling their child garbage after being misbehaved. Chua states three main differences between Western parents and Chinese parents.
However, in order to become a successful human being, human nature is something that to a certain extent needs to be individually developed through one’s own challenges and experiences. At some point in a person’s life, significantly at an early age, they are ultimately helpless, therefore they need the attention and guidance of the family to be put on the right path to achieve and flourish as a human being. This is why the family is the core of humanization and education. This is where the values of family and responsibility play a vital role in guiding and promoting the right beliefs and concepts for the development of successful, well-developed human beings. This also means that mothers have an extremely important role in the East Asian families, because they nourish and educate their children from adolescence till they can become independently grown individuals (Magagna, Oct 13). Such nourishment and uprising, also requires the person to experience events solely by themselves, forming their own opinion and judgment. Therefore, requiring one to self-cultivate and prosper. While the Self-cultivation can be done anywhere, the most important and logical place to do it would be at home, where one receives the humanization and education from their parents. Even if the individual can’t go to college to develop such experiences, they can still receive the self-cultivation to the wider world at home from their family (Magagna, Oct 13). Therefore, this means that the
Several years ago, Amy Chua’s book: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has triggered a lively debate about the strict parenting style. In the book, it is mentioned that Chua sets rules and restrictions, such as no sleepovers, practising music instruments every day, etc. As a result, her daughters achieve excellent grades in schools (Goodin ¶2-3). Chua’s parenting style is categorized as authoritarian. In Hong Kong, Chua’s style is popular. Parents put a lot of pressure on their children. Starting from primary level, children are asked to attend extra tutorials. From the parents’ eyes, “Practice makes perfect”. Hence, children will become more competitive. However, westerners oppose her methods. Some believe that giving no freedom to children is not conducive to one’s academic performance.
It is true that the ways the parents raise their children will decide how well the children grow, especially the mothers who impact their children the most. There is no right or wrong in how a mother takes care of her children. All of them want the best for their children. The only difference is the level of intensity in how to raise a child. In Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior, Amy Chua, a professor at Yale Law School believes that the ways Chinese mothers raise their children are the most effective ways. Her main purpose of this article is to state the differences between Western mothers and Chinese mothers which
“The Black Cat,” a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, is about a man who is in jail confessing to murdering his wife. He starts of by stating that he was happily married to a nice beautiful woman, and the couple had many animals. Among those animals was a black cat named Pluto and this cat is the narrator’s favorite animal. The cat and the narrator established a great relationship and are almost inseparable. The narrator soon becomes an alcoholic and one day he returns from a town bar well intoxicated and tries to pet the cat. The cat tries to avoid him in fear of violence and when the man grabs the cat, it bites him in the hand. Out of fury, the narrator cuts out one of his
Amy Chua, a professor at Yale Law School who wrote a memoir named Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, believes that parenting style should be strict parenting is the key to successful child-rearing. In addition, she believes that hardened child-rearing approach with the methods of close monitoring and behavioral restrictions. Also, Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior, Chua wrote that parents should override their children preferences such things as hobbies and academic performance. Moreover, she thinks the vast majority of the Chinese mothers said that they believe their children can be the best students and that academic achievement reflects successful parenting, and that if children did not excel at school then there was a problem and parents were not doing their job. According to Chua, through close monitoring and disciplines, children will be able to
Questions have been raised on whether Chinese parenting raises more flourishing children than Western parenting. Despite what people think, in Amy Chua's essay “The Roar of the Tiger Mom”, she portrays the differences between the beliefs of Chinese parenting and Western parenting. Chua introduces the views of a Chinese parent compared to the views of a Western parent. The methods used by Chinese mothers in raising their children are drastically different from Western mothers. Each defends their methods and believes the other group is doing their job poorly. In the end, both types of parents just want one thing-- successful children.
Standing in the center of a larger arena was a young youth whose faith was in the balances. Spectators raise steely on all sides directly in front of him awaiting his death. In front of him was two massive doors behind one were life and bliss, behind another lies a man-eating beast.
Being a mother is to support your children all the way even if they choose to take the road you don’t want them too. Mother’s play a responsible role in children’s health, education and complete wellbeing. In the article, Mother Inferior? Hanna Rosin, the author talks about her mothering style, which is the complete opposite of Amy Chua from The Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother. Hanna Rosin would allow everything that Amy Chua wouldn’t allow for her children. Her idea of raising children were different, she wanted her child to be happy in fact she never pressured her child into doing anything. Hanna Rosin had some good points; however, some of her points I cannot agree with her. I agree with Hanna Rosin when she said
“The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe is one of Poe’s greatest literary works that embodies his signature themes of death, violence, and darkness. Poe’s main character begins his narration of his horrible wrongdoings regarding them as a “series of mere household events” (Poe 705). However, this is where Poe’s satire and irony begins and the story progresses to show the deranged mindset of this character as he tries to justify his actions. As the main character proceeds to rationalize his crime, Poe is able to convey a sense of irony through his use of foreshadowing, metaphors and symbolism.
There is many questions on how to parent a child in order to help them be successful in life. Although parenting style various greatly, most all parents put into practice what regulations in which they think will help their child succeed in life. Some parents, known as Chinese parents are extremely strict, and on the other end of the spectrum there is western parents, who do not expect as much from their child. In Amy Chua’s “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom,” Chua explains what it is like to have Chinese parenting techniques. She attempts to justify the struggles, beliefs, and methods of Chinese parents, as compared to western parents, and how they both have the end goal - to prepare their child to succeed in life.
The Lady and the Tiger is like Romeo and Juliet as it is a drama and suspense. The Lady and Tiger is a short, but well written story that is sure that you will like it. The story is about two doors and there is a lady or a tiger behind the door. I know three reasons why the tiger is behind the door those are the man will be suffering more if alive with the other lady, it is better for him than having to watch his love be alone while he is with another, the lady thinks it would be better so the children didn’t see him with another lady.
On January 27, an article was published, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior” by the Wall Street Journal. It brought attention and promotes extreme controversy. Chua sparked debates over the differences in parenting styles of American and Chinese heritages. “Chinese Mothers” used in a broad statement and “Western Mothers” used for every other party. Americans began to raise questions. Chua’s article referring to herself as a Tiger mother stands to have both negative comments and some positive.
“I expect nothing but the best. If it is not an A, you are not striving to the best of your ability. You cannot be a musician; you have to be a doctor. You can only be someone when you ARE someone. That will only happen after you take ten extra lessons outside of school, and you also have to learn how to play all types of instruments. My main point is, you have to be the best.” For many centuries, cultures from all around have had many debates on the correct way of parenting. In recent times, a specific type of parenting has been in the spotlight: the parenting of Asian mothers. They are known as very passive and submissive to strangers, but to their own kids they turn around 360 and becoming very aggressive and demanding. Many Westerners think Easterners way of parenting is cruel and inhumane. Westerners think that Asian mothers have goals that are unrealistic; they are selfish because they are simply living their dream through their children. Asian mothers, on the other hand, claim they do it all out of love.
“The Lady, or The Tiger” by Mr. Frank R. Stockton has compelled readers for as long as time. This story ends with all wondering, so which is it, the delicate and fair young lady or the savage, fierce, wild-eyed tiger standing behind the door. This makes us ponder whether human heart chooses love or jealously. Within this essay, there will be proof that it is the stunning young woman behind the door. Although there is evidence proving that it is the tiger, in a sense there is more evidence stating that the elegant and barbaric princess allowed her real lover to continue living. To begin let us start with the small dwindling points that the tiger, lye behind the door.