
Essay On Unemployment In Texas

Decent Essays

One of the main issues Texas has today is whether or not immigrants are a benefit in the job market or not. In 2011, Camarota and Webster were able to provide statistics about who benefited from job growth in Texas. Back in 2007, the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, created thousands of jobs for Texans with the purpose to help its residents. Unfortunately, statistics show that the ones that were benefitted the most from the jobs that were created were the immigrants (illegal & legal) not the native-born citizens “ Of jobs created in Texas since 2007, 81 percent were taken by newly arrived immigrant workers (legal & illegal).” This is a problem because as it is shown Table 2 in the year 2007 the rate of native unemployment was 4.0% and later on …show more content…

For example, in Table 2 it shows how Texas has more natives unemployed in 2011 (8,900 unemployed) than in 2007 (8,771 unemployed). Many factors may have contributed for these numbers, a perfect example would be the Great Recession that happened around December 2007 and ended in 2009. Another reason of why the authors may be biased because of the author's tone in one of the sentences that were provided “Thus it would be a mistake to assume that immigrants are only competing for jobs at the bottom end of the labor market.” This sentence from the article is kind of alerting others that immigrants are not only a competition for low-waged jobs but also for high positioned jobs. Although it doesn’t really show that the article is bias such as its tone there are some parts it somewhat blames that the main reason for unemployment for native citizens is because of immigrants “If immigration does stimulate job growth for natives, why have states that received so many new immigrants done so poorly in recent years?” They only stick to this topic and not go beyond as to how immigrants made an impact in our

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