
Essay On Upper Division Classes

Decent Essays

Currently, I am taking four upper division classes, which are not included in the table above. They are Anth 3610, Psy 3230, Psy 3220, and Soc 3830. With the exception of Psy 3230, the rest of those courses are apart of my directed electives in criminal justice. I intentionally chose those specific courses because I wanted to learn from other fields relevant and beneficial to my future in law enforcement. For example with Soc 3830, I’m learning about the different types of violence that exist in society, such as intimate partner violence, terrorism, and crowd violence. This course is intended for expanding my knowledge on the different types of violence people are capable of committing. This course, in respect to my career, is intended for me to be able to defuse the different types of violent situations that I might encounter in law enforcement. …show more content…

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They will help me address my academic and career goals by allowing me to learn knowledge and practical skills in the field, such as Crim 4120. Other courses will teach me how I should behave towards different people and age groups and what rules that I need to be aware of when working in the field. This will allow to see where they are coming from and how to appropriate react. In addition, it will prepare me look at for my own biases and how to control them so I can treat all people fairly. Courses like Crim 4460, will teach me the skills needed to work in the field and the best ways to involve the local community to form trust and to solving problems by fixing the main issue--not just by arresting or fining people. Those tactics are mostly likely only temporary

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