
Essay On Vaccination

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If you go to a shelter and adopt a dog, it will be vaccinated for rabies. If you are found owning a dog that never received it's rabies vaccine, you will be fined. Why? The more dogs that are not vaccinated for rabies, the more likely it is that the rabies virus will spread to other dogs. The same thing happens in people, with any vaccines and illness. People have various excuses for not immunizing. Personally, I find every single excuse stupid, uneducated, or selfish. Some of the most common reasons are a falsified link with autism and vaccines, effectiveness, safety, and the effect on the body. Others, who are more extreme, claim government tracking or pharmaceutical fraud.
One of the most common excuses behind not vaccinating is Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s 1998 study, which linked autism to vaccinations for measles, mumps, and rubella. However, 10 years after the study was conducted, they found that Dr. Wakefield had falsified almost all of his work, and was found guilty of ethical, medical, and scientific misconduct in his autism study and paper. “The speculative vaccination-autism connection decreased parental confidence in public health vaccination programs and created a public health crisis in England and questions about vaccine safety in North …show more content…

For every year I remember that I have gotten any vaccine, I have had several days of swollen arms, stomach pains, and headaches. Why do I still go through this? Honestly, it is not to protect me. I personally don’t care if I have to spend a few days sick with the flu. However, it is important to me that those around me who cannot be vaccinated do not get the illness from me. The days after the flu vaccine may be miserable for me, but I am not contagious. Though having the flu would probably affect me less than the vaccine, I would be contagious for at least a few days of the flu illness. The vaccine means that never

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