
Essay On Voter Turnout In America

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America truly is in trouble. The voter turnout should be, in my opinion, atleast 75% of the total eligible population. I do NOT feel however that lowering the voting age will be the answer to this problem. As it may help the overall volume of voters, I feel it will diminish the percentages of voter participation. A more likely cure: put America back into our young Americans! When I was a child we were all much more patriotic than the kids of present America. We sang songs of patronage in music class, we spoke the Pledge of Alegience, and the Fourth of July was about independence. My children know very few songs of our political history. I believe I know where it all began. I sing a song to my sons at bedtime each night. After …show more content…

I was truly heart broken. I was speechless for a moment, then decided that the bedtime song was so much more important now than I had imagined. I would now begin to correct the problem for them. Our short comings in our children started with the seperation of church and state. I'm not using any statistics to write this, for I feel that it's all about the level of patronage our younger generations excercise. "Seperation of church and state" was about religious freedom, which we protect in this country. It did more than that (unbeknownst to us at the time). In passing this to protect civil liberties, we made way for other, more important liberties, to fall by the way. The Pledge of Alligience that we all rose for every single morning in school, the same pledge we all took for granted, was soon to be forgotten. When this year's election chaos started, one of them came to me and asked "what is this Dad"? I told him it was how we choose a president for the next four years. He had no further questions at the time, but soon had more and more. I realized that I had never considered teaching them about this at such a young age, but I pondered how crucial it must be. It must also be reincorperated in our

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