
Essay On Water Pollution

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Throughout the years in the U.S and other countries, pollution has been a major conflict for people, plants, and animals. However, water pollution is considered to be one of the largest killers in the world. Every year, tons of waste and garbage are dumped into the oceans, destroying the ecosystem and disrupting the food chain. Due to the effects of water pollution, and any kind of pollution, the ecosystem will be affected and damage the world we live in. There are at least eight different types of water pollution that can affect us. A common type of water pollution is known as “Surface water pollution,” which is when dangerous substances come into contact with the surface of any body of water like: oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. and dissolves into the water or mixes with it. Pollution called “Ground water pollution” is washed chemicals or pesticides that people spray into their fertilizers or soil that rain pushes into the ground. Another common pollution is the “Chemical water pollution” that is made by industries and farmers. Harmful chemicals are used as solvents to get rid of insects from plants and end up getting wasted into water. In addition, trash and oils are added to the list of different types of pollution. Our society takes the majority of the blame for pollution. We litter or see litter, but don’t pick it up. Our factories and technology dispose waste into the oceans, leaving it there to decompose itself. Sewage composed from factories, buildings, and

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