
Essay On Welfare Reform

Decent Essays

The federal welfare system is a group of program provided by the federal government to give aid to the poor. The federal welfare system was first introduced by President Theodore Roosevelt. Since then, welfare programs have expanded to give health care, houses and food to people in need. The welfare programs were designed to aid the poor, elderly, and disabled, but actually led to higher taxes and abuse of the system. These effects led to calls for reform. Reforms caused more damage than good. The public welfare system needs to be mended by reducing federal and state spending on welfare systems, promoting work for the unemployed and a health care reform.
The public welfare system needs to be mended by reducing federal and state spending on welfare systems. Annual welfare spending is approaching the 1 trillion dollar mark. About one-third of the United States population is on the welfare system, that almost 9,000 dollars per beneficiary. “Under the president's spending plans, by 2022 we'll be spending $2.33 on welfare for every $1 we spend on defense. (The ratio is currently $1.33 to $1.) Overall, President Obama plans to spend $12.7 trillion on means-tested welfare over the next decade” (Feulner). The government needs to end the spiraling spending on welfare systems. …show more content…

If the recipients of welfare aid worked there would be less need for welfare programs. If welfare programs required recipients to work then living on welfare would not become a way of life. By the welfare system giving aid without requiring work it has become a hand out not a hand up. Welfare programs do not provide temporary aid to those off their feet it provides a lifestyle. Many people on welfare find it easier and more logical to stay on welfare instead of working. By promoting working more people could get off of the welfare system and back on their

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