
Essay On What Makes We Mistake The Idea Of Home

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While looking through the car window, regretting her procrastination during Columbus Day weekend, Abby counts the endless pages of Un Secret, her French book to read until tomorrow, and remembers to text her roommate. It was just two days trip back to her home in Albany, and she is happy that she feels refreshed after seeing her family and friends, but she feels like she hasn’t seen her roommate for a long time. Eventually, now is time to go back to school again. She carelessly, yet happily, types to her roommate. About a few minutes later, her roommate’s reply notices her trivial mistake. This particular mistake of Abby, my roommate, is not a rare mistake. Indeed, it is a common mistake for anyone who has experience of living away …show more content…

Due to technological development, we are used to demolishing our bonds with the solitary home or with family members. According to National Statistical Office of South Korea, in 1970, the family with both grandparents, parents and children was 17% of the whole households. After 45 years, it dropped to 4.2% (Population and Housing Census). This piece of evidence proves extreme nuclearizing of a family in Korea, where the size of family get smaller and smaller. This phenomenon, however, is certainly a global trend. In the census of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the average number of people per household in the United States changed 3.14 in 1970 to 2.54 in 2015(Average Number of People per Household in the United States from 1960 to 2016). If we think of how young people tend to stand alone in financially and physically nowadays, the idea of “destructing the traditional home” is lucidly clear. This transition in family size is essential in the change in the idea of disappearing home. In the world where a single household is increasing, where divorce and remarriage are frequent, where the economy is so fragile that possession of physical home became precious, the conventional idea of home as a childhood origin is easily demolished. For example, in Sol Yurick’s The Warriors, Hinton, one of the main protagonists, realize that he couldn’t remember the location since “he had lived all over” (Yurick 59). Hinton has a home, but it is

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