
Essay On Why Abortion Is Wrong

Decent Essays

You should know about what abortion is by now because of the huge discussion going on because of it. Abortion should be accepted by everyone. Nobody should deny a woman’s decisions. It is her body and she can do what she wants with it. There are many discussions on whether abortion is right or not, but there are many reasons why it is okay. Sometimes it’s unsafe for a woman to carry pregnancy up to full term. One of these reasons may be because this girl Is much too young to carry the child up to full term. It could quite possibly kill both the mother and child during the birthing process. Another reason may be that this woman has something wrong with her reproductive organs and it’s unsafe to be able to keep the child. “Serious complications from the virus are uncommon in children, but about 15 percent of infected adults develop a form of pneumonia, which is particularly dangerous for pregnant women” says Richard Schwarz, MD. …show more content…

A woman may have not been wanting a child and had no desire for it but one night, she could have been raped and stuck with the perpetrators seed. She deserves to have the chance to rid herself of an unwanted child. If not being able to do so, she could be left with an accidental child with most likely a financial problem with being able to take care of the child. It could send her into a place of debt with no help whatsoever because of this awful rape case. If this woman decides to have an abortion, you shouldn’t be able to have a say in it. It is her body and not yours. This woman should be able to do whatever she want with it and if that has to deal with getting rid of a child then so be it. Whatever she does with her body won’t affect you. If she has an abortion then life will go on as normal for you. If she doesn’t get an abortion then your life will still continue on as normal. It is not your decision on what to do with another person’s

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