
Essay On Women And African American History

Decent Essays

To many people, America’s history may appear to be a series of events shaped by the decisions and actions of white men. However, this perspective fails to recognize the tremendous impacts that minority groups had, have, and will have in shaping and influencing America’s past, present, and future. The Revolutionary War is an example of how women and African Americans played an important role in critical events in American history. In the Revolutionary War, Americans fought for freedom and independence from Britain, leading to the birth of our nation. Without the contributions of women and African Americans, the Revolutionary War may not have been successful, and American history may have followed a very different course. During the Revolutionary War, the Patriot soldiers fighting for freedom needed help in many ways to support their mission on and beyond the battleground. Women supported the Patriots in unique and important ways. Document 1 contains an agreement that the Edenton Ladies’ Patriotic Guild signed on October 27, 1774. It states, “The provincial deputies of North Carolina having resolved not to drink any more tea nor wear any more British cloth, etc.” The Edenton Ladies agreement to not buy or use any British goods offered a form of economic pressure, and strengthened the ability of America to try to break away from the British rule. Women also supported the …show more content…

Women publicly boycotted against British goods, took over the jobs of husbands to make sure colonies could still function productively, and even fought in the war itself. African Americans risked their lives to join the Continental Army, are credited with firing important shots during the war, and as a whole, fought bravely. If the women and African Americans had not participated as they did, the war most definitely would have concluded with a drastically different

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