
Black Women In America Essay

Decent Essays

Children are now carrying more of the burden, as a result of marriages and relationships not working out. They are the ones who are suffering and paying for the adults bad and irresponsible decisions. We as the adults have to start making better decisions and setting better examples for our children. As parents, we are our children’s first teachers. We set the bar. Children mimic what they see, so if a positive image is being seen, then that child will think and act in a positive manner. On the other hand, if all a child sees is negativity, then you know what comes of that. This is a problem not only in America, but global. Yet American women lead all nationalities as far as living in a single family dwelling. Here in America, black women lead all nationalities as being or living in the single parent environment. 72% of black kids today, are born to a single mother, which is unacceptable and out of control. Single mothers are not the only major problem in this epidemic of children growing up in fatherless homes. Another major problem is fathers who are abandoning their children and leaving all of the responsibilities on the mothers. They are not only giving up on their relationship as a spouse or significant other, but giving up on their role as father and teacher to their children. Men need to be men and teach our children how to stand and face adversity, not run away from it. Also, to pay attention to those warning signs beforehand coming from the women.

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