
Essay Use Caution When Accommodating Scripture

Decent Essays

Use Caution when Accommodating Scripture with Current Scientific Theory (Word Count:229)
In writing on the 24-hour view of Creation in The Genesis Debate, J. Ligon Duncan III and David W. Hall make the excellent point that we should always be cautious when attempting to harmonize Scripture with the latest scientific theories. They write, “we should be wary of those who accommodate Scripture to current scientific theory, because he who marries the spirit of the age will be a widower in the next.” This is important to keep in mind, regardless of the issue, or your position on it. If we are too quick to interpret Scripture based on what the scientific community is currently espousing, we will seem foolish should that theory be later disproven.
Over the course of history, science has steadily evolved, and will likely continue to do so. A quick internet search will provide examples of various …show more content…

Archer point something out which is commonly overlooked regarding the possibility of death prior to the Fall. Young-earth creationists commonly advocate that the sin of Adam brought about animal death, and prior to the Fall there was no death whatsoever (with the possible exclusion of insect or plant death). Much of this position is based on God’s proclamation that the creation He had made was “very good.” They then use this to support the idea of a young earth. Ross and Archer explain why this fails:
Many Christians seem to forget that Adam and Eve were not the first creatures to sin. According to Scripture, Satan committed the first sin. When Satan sinned, he brought about his own spiritual death and the spiritual death of all the angels who joined him in his rebellion against God. Through Adam and Eve, Satan infected the human race with sin, but even that seeming disaster fits into God’s plan for conquering evil and revealing His grace and

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