
Analysis Of The Bible ' : Course Facilitator Essay

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Jennifer Fagan
Ms. Weis - Course Facilitator
RE102 Old Testament Literature
Israelite 's Words change over time, making it difficult to understand because the original meanings don 't change, but people 's understanding can be changed as cultures change. There is only one correct way to interpret the Bible, however, there are many incorrect ways and much arguing over who is more correct. Most of this has to do with Satanists who go incognito as Christians in order to mislead man away from God. Many sincere people fall prey to these Satanists incognito, and through the sincerity of their belief, persuade others that their misunderstanding is the correct way. Do not trust a person 's sincerity. Read the Bible and pray to God for understanding and read the Bible again. It helps to understand each verse in the proper context. Understand who is being addressed. Understand the culture of the time so that you can better understand the parables. Look at several different translations in parallel. Many anti-theists point to Genesis to try to discredit the whole Bible. What they dishonestly don 't mention is that Genesis is a book with a unique history. It was passed down by word of mouth for many generations before writing was invented and it was written down. When it was written, different versions were written by different people and those versions were later merged.

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