
Establishing A Christian Worldview

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Establishing a worldview is an intrinsic part of a person. Independently, it shapes who one is, what one believes, and how one acts. It is something that each person holds on to, allows it to shape their personality, and influence interactions with other people. Senator John Thune believes, concerning his person worldview, by “Having a Christian worldview shapes my decision-making with respect to all aspects of my life. I always respect people in public life who are principled, and those principles have to connect to something. And my faith is what serves as the anchor and directs my actions.” Senator Thune’s worldview not only affects him, but his philosophy is truly applicable to everybody in this world. Individually, a person’s worldview, …show more content…

A person can be described in a three block pyramid. The foundation of this pyramid is beliefs, the middle block being values, and the very top being actions. A worldview resonates at a person’s belief, or their foundation. This is the core of who they are, the integral part of their being. Their worldview then affects their values. Values are a direct resemblance of a person's beliefs; they are the initial manifestation of one’s beliefs. Finally, a worldview influences a person’s actions. This level is the where the worldview manifests itself the most, as well as being the most obvious to others. Everything a person does, says, thinks, or supports comes from a direct result of what worldview they adhere to, believe in, and let shape them into the person they currently …show more content…

However, when detail is added, it is obvious that the two are incredibly different. Islamic theology dictates the Quran is the “Bible” of Islam. The belief is it is the literal word of God. It is the culmination of God’s revelation to man through the use of Muhammad. Muhammad is the final prophet to the world. The Hadith is the second book, next to the Quran. It shows the teachings, rulings, and actions of Muhammad. There are five pillars of Islam, each providing an aspect of a “good” Muslim, the five are: Confession of Faith, Prayer, Fasting during Ramadan, Alms-giving, and Pilgrimage. In the realm of philosophy, Muslims are supernaturalists. This comes as a result of belief in a god, angles, and demons. Muslims do believe in life after death, they do believe in miracles, and they are theists. However, the fall only affected Adam and Eve, everyone else is born sinless. Ethically, Muslims view Muhammad’s acts as approved by Allah and his actions define morality. It is acceptable to follow the actions of Muhammed. He was the highest prophet of Allah, so his actions were condoned by Allah. However, the Quran teaches that Allah's character cannot be known. This means that Muslims cannot know their god and his actions because his character is hidden to mankind. Similar to Christianity, Muslims believe that God created the earth, and everything in

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