
Ethical And Professional Practices. When Thinking Of The

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Ethical and Professional Practices
When thinking of the justice system ethical and professional practices are greatly enforced. There is a code of conduct that criminal justice practitioners are expected to adhere to.
There are many different professional and ethical standards that should be considered when discounting uniformed police officers. For example, when Ari the deli owner told the officer his payment is not necessary when the officer ordered a sandwich, the police officer would need to report this information to his superior officer. “Officers shall report any unsolicited gifts, gratuities or other items of value that they receive and shall provide a full report of the circumstances of their receipt if directed.” (Statter, …show more content…

If Ray is reported by the guard he will not be eligible for parole. However, if the prison guard does not report this incident it could lead to unethical issues and compromise his employment. The prison guard can face charges since smoking in all prisons is illegal. “At least 38 of 50 state correctional departments report that they are either smoke-free or have partial smoking bans, according to a 2002 survey.” (Zoroya, 2004). Ray could see this as an opportunity if the prison guard did not report him smoking. He could try to convince him to smuggle cigarettes in for him. “Correctional Officers caught smuggling in tobacco into most county, state or federal prisons now face a minimum of 2-10 years in prison. Law makers consider tobacco trafficking inside of prison a serious crime since it generates more illegal funds than even narcotics.” ("SMOKING IN PRISON - Smoking Ban in Prisons and Tobacco Trafficking", n.d). These ethical and processional standards are in place for public health for all inmates. Just because Ray smokes, the other inmates do not need to be subject to his habit. Not to mention it is a violation of the law and must be followed. If the prison guard disregards this criminal act he might fall into a pattern of disregarding other criminal acts and the whole justice system fails because he wants to look past these acts because Ray was a friend.
There are different basic principles of the constitutional law a police officer, but

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