
Ethical Concepts Of Employment Discrimination

Good Essays

Dharik Nagin
Norberto Ruiz
Business Law
12 December 2017
Issue 1 Employment Discrimination Employment discrimination is any form of unfair treatment at the workplace practiced by the employer against a section of employees on the basis of their gender identity, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical disability, national origin, religion, gender, or race. Employment discrimination is unlawful according to the employment laws as underlined in the 1964, Civil Rights Act, Title VII (Clarkson, Miller & Cross,). In terms of salaries and payment of workers, it is unlawful to segregate employees or classify in compensation and other employment aspects.
Differences in the employees’ pay and compensation can be a form of discrimination depending on whether it is guided by job position, experience, and qualification of the employee or not. Occupation differentiation and differentials in earnings is not necessarily a form of employment discrimination. However, the case in ABC Corporation which had led to disparate treatment of employees in terms of payment had created a form of unintended discrimination and trying to correct it cannot raise ethical conflicts between the employees (Clarkson, Miller & Cross,). Ethics are based on the principles of doing right or wrong, god or bad in a certain situation. In this case, ABC Corporation is trying to honor its moral obligation by doing what is right-balancing the pay of its work to solve differences in their pay. This does

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