
Ethical Decision Making For Professional Counselors

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In the counseling profession, situations may be come about in the areas of ethical, professional, or legal concerns. New Counselors can become frustrated by the lack of dilemmas they can face in the field of mental health. Counselors must take into consideration the ethical, professional, and legal considerations they can or may encounter. Counselors use the ACA guide as rule book of professional standards of moral duty and obligation. The Ethics guide provides a frame work that centers on the counselor’s conduct in their work, accountability, and professionalism. The codes are written in broad terms to serve as starting point for making decisions in the professional field.

Keywords: Dual Relationship’s, Boundaries, Standards of Care, and Termination.

Ethical Decision Making for Professional Counselors
Professional counselors face many issues that are procedural, technical, legal, and cultural. The procedural issues on whether the professional counselor is making the correct decision based off the agency where he or she is employed. The technical issues are major concerns as well. The professional counselor has to make sure all the data that is stored on the computer is encrypted password protected. The legal concerns that relate to state and or federal guidelines must be followed as well as reflect the minimum standards. For the purposes of the following model, the ACA Code of Ethical standards will be addressed as well as State Board of Georgia

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