
Ethical Dilemma

Decent Essays

Ethical Dilemma

PlentErgy is an openly traded oil and gas exploration company with operations mostly in Texas and Oklahoma. We do not want to miss the oil exploration in North Dakota. We are highly skilled in hydraulic fracturing or fracking, which is a technique that is used to release oil and gas from rock formations. We are confident that we could use fracking safely to release oil and gas from sites in North Dakota. The ethical dilemma that stands in the way is fracking is closely linked to waste disposal. Millions of galloons of salty, chemical infused wastewater, know, as brine is part of fracking. Oil companies are dumping and spilling the waste onto the land and waterway with increasing regularity. They are supposed to put the …show more content…

With the hundreds of thousands of galloons of brine that is spilled every year and that number is increasing with more oil companies coming there has only some cases where the oil companies actually owned up to there mistakes and tried to fix what happened. The oil companies committing crimes also shows distributive justice in this case and they should be held for the cost of the victims suffering. They are destroying these people lives, these people have been there for many years before the oil companies have but they are just coming in and taking over their land and destroying it. The oil companies need to take action for what they are doing and own up to their mistake. Once again the best alternative is to not spill the brine and if we do we will take care of it. This shows that we are paying for the actions that we have committed if we do spill the brine onto the farmland. We own up to what we did and we will do the best that we can to respect the famers that have been there before us because they are to trying to make a living. The second alterative once again is not a good idea because this shows that we do not care about the people that were there before us and that we are just in it for the money, like all the other oil companies that are there.

Utilitarian Ethics

The purpose of a utilitarian ethics analysis is to find what produces

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