
Ethical Dilemmas : Ethical Dilemma

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Ethical Dilemmas In today’s world several people face many different types of ethical dilemmas. When it comes to a person’s life, everybody has the want of wisdom. Also everybody has the aptitude to decide the best way of making decision and how to see those decisions out. These decisions can be anywhere from life-altering to daily choices and each person needs to keep in mind that every decision has a consequence that follows. A person can have a good or bad consequence depending on the situation, so it is imperative to keep this in mind when following the path of wisdom cautiously (Waddell, 2015). When making choices in life one might want to take into consideration the ethical dilemma, core beliefs, resolution, evaluation, and comparison before coming to a final decision. Ethical Dilemma The dilemma that will be viewed is about Joni and her unfortunate accident that happened when she went swimming in the Chesapeake Bay. Joni is seventeen and is a typical teenager that wanted to have a fun day of swimming with her friends. When Joni went to dive into the water she didn’t realize how shallow the water was and injured her back. This injury effected the vertebrae and when she hit the bottom of the bay her vertebrae was fractured. Ultimately this left her a quadriplegic, which means she would no longer have feeling from her shoulders down. When she went from a typical teenager to wheel chair bond in an instant, she became very depressed and even thought seriously

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