
Ethical Problems

Good Essays

January 25, 2015
IFSM 304 5125: Ethics in Information Technology
Paper A-Application of a decision-making framework to an IT-related ethical issue

IT Related Ethical Issue The computer is a great invention that is used in every field including corporate offices and private homes. Computers have made our day to day tasks easier to do and made a great impact in our society that is still evolving and changing each day. Workers are able to do their jobs more efficiently and allow interconnectivity between computer users all around the world through the Internet. Computers has made it very easy for people to copy and steal intellectual property like music, movies and computer software programs like Photoshop and Microsoft office. The …show more content…

His roommate offers a free copy for him to use on his laptop but his roommate does not have the authority to do this from Microsoft who makes the software. This is considered stealing because Microsoft is not making a profit.
Step two/Identify the stakeholders
The people who are impacted by this situation are Emanuel, his roommate and Microsoft Corporation. Emanuel’s roommate offered a free copy of Microsoft Word to Emanuel. If Emanuel accepts the offer he benefits greatly because he will be able to complete his assignments efficiently in his dorm room instead of using the college library but Microsoft will not profit and the roommate will have broken the law and potentially receive a penalty or fine for sharing a licensed product. But if Emanuel denies his roommates offer and purchases his own software, Microsoft will profit and no law will be broken. Morally and ethically this is the right decision.
Step three/Consider the Consequences
If Emanuel accepts the offer he benefits greatly because he will be able to complete his assignments efficiently in his dorm room instead of using the college library but Microsoft will not profit and the roommate will have broken the law and potentially receive a penalty or fine for sharing a licensed product. But if Emanuel denies his roommates offer and

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