
Ethical Relativism

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For an argument to be valid the structure of the argument must be good. A valid argument is not focused on the content, but more so the structure of the argument. The premises are supporting statement in an argument. Premises could be false and the argument would still hold validity just because of its structure. When an argument is being judged on validity, to be valid the argument has to have a particular form that guarantees if the premises are true the conclusion is absolutely true. The reason we look at the structure and not the content is because the argument is deductive. Meaning, it is supposed to give logically conclusive support to its conclusion. Premise one in the “Argument” is that the moral behavior from one society to another …show more content…

A sound argument is a valid argument plus actually true premises. For the argument to be sound the conclusion has to be true. The conclusion of this argument is saying that ethical relativism is true. Ethical relativism is a theory that relative to the norms of one’s culture is morality. Based on the argument discussed above with the different premises this argument is a sound argument. The premises appear to be true describing that the moral behavior from one society to another differs, but if societies shared the same rules and principles the moral behavior would be relatively the same. Although the second premise counter acts ethical relativism and is true, but it holds no ground because societies do not share moral behaviors. It is also explains in the third premise that societies do not share the same morals and behaviors, and since they do not ethical relativism is true. Being as the argument was a valid argument and the premises were true, the argument was sound. Although the argument was sound, if premise two had a counterexample such as, the moral behavior in different societies would be mostly the same if, societies shared cultural values and beliefs. Assuming the other premises did not change this argument would still be valid. The reason is because yes, premise two raises some questions and is probably true. For example, anytime you’re around certain things for a long period you are going to adapt to them. But the conclusion of the argument is stating ethical relativism is true. The factor in this argument that still makes it sound is premise three. Societies do not share moral rules and principles that is why so many different cultures have developed because everyone is creating their own. The fact societies do not share their principles determines ethical relativism being truthful in that morality is relative to the norms of

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