
Ethos Pathos Logos In Into Thin Air

Decent Essays

Into Thin Air The phrase “cloud nine” is more often used to portray feelings rather than a reality. One could use it to describe the feeling after being proposed to or winning the lottery, but these aren’t the ways this expression was conveyed in the book. Now, lottery aside, imagine yourself on could nine, literally. At the roof of the world, you stand with great euphoria. You have made it halfway through your adventure, surviving the most inhumane conditions on earth. As you look down on the world below you, you realize you have to face great dangers on your way home: avalanches, falling rocks, high altitude hurricanes, falling off ledges hundreds of feet to your death, and not to mention all the risks of medical complications. Would you survive this? In the book Into Thin Air, with the aid of pathos and logos, author, Jon Krakauer shares how he lived to see the next day and could achieve his goal by allowing his ambition to lead him through hardships with not only man but also the world around him. …show more content…

One problem Krakauer was going to have to overcome was the risk of HAPE and HACE. He shares: High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) is less common than High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE), but it tends to be even more deadly. A baffling ailment, HACE, occurs when fluid leaks from oxygen-starved cerebral blood vessels, causing severe swelling of the brain, and it can strike with little or no warning. As pressure builds inside the skull, motor and mental skills deteriorate with alarming speed… and often without the victim noticing the change. The next step is coma, and then, unless the afflicted party is quickly evacuated to lower altitude, death.

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