
Eudora Welty A Worn Path Analysis

Decent Essays

In the story “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty we see various ways that the author tries to establish the setting. The setting helps us identify Phoenix’s internal struggles desires, and motivations. It also explains why the audience become more involved in the story. The story is written with a setting to where the reader almost has to be interested in it. This is because the setting is based on a “bright frozen day” in the woods that were “deep and still” (Welty 620). Throughout the story she is faced with various obstacles that could stop her from going on. Phoenix is a “very old, and small” so this would make us think she would have less capability to do a lot.(Welty 619) In the book seeing a hill has the ability to stop her from going on. The audience might think that she will get tired from the hill or give up, but she keeps going on which is inspirational. Another obstacle arises where she is faced with a fence and has to make sure not to tear her dress. If she were to get a tear in her dress she would “pay for having her arm or her leg sawed off” because that’d mean she …show more content…

As a frail old woman she managed to do what even a lot of fit young person would not be willing to do in the present era. This shows that she has amazing motivation and commitment to get her task done. Later in the story she reveals that she forgot why she even came all the way to the city for. This makes us feel even more sorrow for her. When we find out about her sick grandson this makes the reader even more intrigued in the story. The reader then gets worried about if the grandson is alive or dead; by the end of the story it is still not clear if he is alive or dead. Phoenix could have alzheimer’s and has been coming for years when her grandson is actually dead. I state this assumption because of the fact that she forgot why she walked all the way to the city

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