
Euro-American History Chapter Summary

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1. The chapter begins to by talking about how skin color plays a big role between Mexicans and Euro-Americans. For example, if one was Mexican but had light skin and can pass for white than they would have more opportunities and receive less discrimination then if one was a Mexican with darker skin tone. After war ended, what happened to Alamo become a myth. “As hostilities between Euro-Americans and Mexicans came head, Cordova was pressured to takes sides, which he refused to do so.” But late on when Euro-Americans decided to get back the people who did not support them, Cordova rebel against them in Texas. He gained interest and support by Natives, Mexicans, Blacks, and some whites. Moreover, the chapter then goes one about the violence toward Mexicans especially to the Mexicans who had to with some sort of resistance. I perceived the author’s purpose would be to inform everyone of what really went down on Texas between Mexicans and Euro-Americans. Also, how the Euro-Americans have been mistreated and discriminating against Mexicans.

2. The role Texas Rangers had were lobbied on behalf of the bosses in which the bosses uses them in maintaining control of the Tejano Population that was by seen as assassins. The rangers that were recruited hated Mexicans to the point the burned in fury. “Their commitment was to keep order for a Euro-American oligarchy. Violence served the interests of Texas capitalists in maintaining a closed structure that excluded Mexicans from all but the lowest levels” (Acuna, 72). Texas …show more content…

A main point I found interesting was how Victor L. Ochoa “advocated equal pay for Mexican American police and other Mexican American public employees, who were then paid less than whites” (Acuna, 79). Ochoa went along with the revolutionary and spiritualist Lauro Aguirre against the Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz. He was then captured by U.S government and convicted in King County Penitentiary. After Ochoa was released, he continued to rebel against

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