
Euthanasi A Way Out Of Suffering

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Euthanasia; A Way Out Of Suffering
Chelsey L. Isner
Weir High School
Mrs. Lengthorn & Mrs. Pellegrino

Human euthanization is not something new, but it is widely believed to be unethical. In reality, human euthanization is a painless solution to a terminal illness. The topic of this paper is how euthanization for humans is not a bad thing. During the writing process questions were asked about how religion views euthanasia, if it would be used for suicidal purposes, If Belgium’s law is actually correct, and if the right to die is actually a right. The method of research was searching credited sources for information. The conclusion formed from this research is Euthanasia is not bad if it is properly regulated and no malpractice is performed. This topic was a particularly interesting one due to all of the different religious and ethical aspects that deal with euthanasia and how people 's decisions on the topic tend to change once they have a loved one put in the position to be euthanised. Keywords: Euthanasia, Belgium, Euthanization, Terri Schiavo, Karen Quinlan, Nathan Verhelst, Right to Die, Human euthanization, Human Euthanasia.

Human euthanization is not something new, but it is widely believed to be unethical. In reality, human euthanization is a painless solution to a terminal illness. The earliest documented euthanization was in ancient Greece and Rome during five B.C. During this time suicide and mercy killings were also not frowned on so

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