
Euthanasi Suicide And Natural Causes

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Everybody at one time or another will inevitably have death knocking at the door. Coping with death is a very difficult concept to deal with. Dying comes in one of three ways: homicide, suicide and natural causes. Euthanasia consequently does not fall into one of the three causes of death, we consider it between homicide and suicide. There is no debate with regards to homicide, a person takes the life of another person. Similarly, suicide is taking your own life. Euthanasia falls somewhere in between those two.

Let 's mention a known name in the euthanasia field, Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Dr. Kevorkian is considered to some as a patriarch, here to serve mankind. Yet others consider him to be an evil villain, a devil 's advocate so to speak. …show more content…

For instance, Derek would not allow a person in deep depression to seek escape, using euthanasia. However, he is not against euthanasia for those who suffer from terminal illness or severe handicap (Humphry 17).

Dr. Kevorkian is notoriously known for his mission to promote physician-assisted suicide. In his book “Prescription: Medicine, the Goodness of Planned Death”, he explains that it is ethical for the physician to assist patients to commit suicide because the patients are the ones who pull the trigger, not the physicians. Therefore, the patient is responsible for the consequences that follow (Kevorkian 48). For example, Dr. Kevorkian invented a device called Mercitron which was featured on the broadcast of “60 Minutes”. It injects solution to assist terminally ill people in suicide. However, the terminally ill person must pull the plug by himself or herself. Here is the process: The device is placed next to the patient 's bed. Dr. Kevorkian will raise the patients arm vertically and insert the needle. The solution won 't travel upward because of the gravity and air pressure that act on it. Once the patient is ready, he/she can lower the arm below the device and allow the deadly chemical to invade the body. Mr. Youk, a 52-year-old man who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease asked Dr.

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