
Evaluate A Significant Experience, Achievement, Risk, And Significant Experience

Decent Essays

Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

“Not to worry you guys, but this first test normally determines how well you will do in this class the rest of the year.” I was shaking from head to toe with pencil in hand waiting for what would feel like a century. It was in the fall of my a junior year of high school while I was in AP biology class. At this moment I had been in class since the end of August studying and preparing for my first of many tests in this class. The test that would prove how well I could do in an advanced placement class. The test that would prove to me that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. “No pressure at all,” I quietly thought to myself. Since the beginning of that class we had been studying all about the basics of biology. For about a month we crammed so many little bits of vital information in our heads that would have to be remembered by test day. This class was a whole new level of hard and I knew that if I did not step up my studying game, I would soon figure out just how easy it would be to lose my 4.0 GPA. This was a huge obstacle that I knew I was going to have to overcome if I wanted to ever prove to myself that I would do good in an AP course. Therefore, about a week before my first big test, I put my game face on and figured out the right way to study for myself. I watched many videos that explained the concepts, took notes, read the textbook,

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