
Evaluation Of A Good Morning

Better Essays

Good Morning, For those of you who missed last week’s Batter Up, we started a two part series regarding Transfers and Suitability. Last week we covered Transfers and some of the complications that can arise from mismanaged cases, whether it’s on our part as the agent or due to a fickle transferring company trying to play games with your client’s money. This week I wanted to jump into the #2 major reason why policies get held up, Suitability. Whether you’ve been in the industry a single year or 20 years, suitability is something you need to be aware of. Since the recession of ’08 we have seen suitability guidelines continually refined and restricted, all for good reason of. The idea is that suitability is there to protect the client from …show more content…

• Fill out the darn Financial Inventory! o This one seems like a no brainer, but PLEASE fill out the financial inventory not only in its entirety but truthfully as well o The financial inventory can help you, so make sure all incomes and expense are stated clearly and that the clients investments match up to what you have reported as their net worth • Just because it’s already in a 401(k) or IRA, does not mean the

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