
Evaluation Of A Medical Device Company

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The topic of interest was the INVO procedure, which was first introduced in a fertility clinic in Toronto during the year of 2015 (Kirkey, 2015). The very first in Canada to do this procedure (Kirkey, 2015). The concept behind this particular procedure is to allow women to undergo an in-vitro fertilization with the opportunity to “incubate” the embryos inside their own body which replaces the complex in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratory (Kirkey, 2015). The essence of this methodology to assisting individuals with such issues with infertility was conducted through the INVO Bioscience, Inc. a medical device company who is focused on giving infertile patients a treatment option (INVO Bioscience Inc., 2013). The mission statement of this company is “INVO Bioscience offers novel solutions in assisted reproductive technologies, expanding geographic and affordable access to the global reproductive health care community. INVO Bioscience delivers outstanding quality products and services in compliance with worldwide regulatory requirements, providing value to our shareholders while recognizing the contributions of our employees"(2013). The INVO procedure is as they claim an simple and effective treatment that uses a new device, the INVOcell (Frydman & Ranoux, 2008). “INVO is a proven procedure that has demonstrated comparable results to conventional IVF when comparative studies were performed. Over 800 cycles have been published worldwide that showed a clinical pregnancy rate of

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