
Evaluation Of Effective Strategies And Techniques That Can Assist Client For Obtaining Resources And Achieving His Goals

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Interventions are conducted in an attempt to identify effective strategies and techniques that can assist client in obtaining resources and achieving his goals. Coordination services among internal programs and other providers will cultivate positive results, in strengthening client’s ability to achieve his goal and overcome his problems.
The initial intervention plan is to replace client’s problem behaviors with positive behavior by highlighting his strengths and providing meaningful reinforcements. For instance, client often gets angry with his mother or peers, to solve this situation client can be taught strategies to understand and manage his anger in a positive way. Client can also be taught how to identify anger triggers and how to express his anger in a more positive way. Client may learn these strategies in-group sessions or during individual sessions. Anger management groups are offered at the agency once weekly.
The Intervention is also based on improving family relations. With client’s consent, contacts have been made with his mother to keep her informed of the program and client’s progress. Client’s mother has been invited to several group sessions where discussion was based on client’s feelings, evaluating consequences of his behavior, and reflecting on how he can change his behavior and response without conflict. Overall he was finally able to share the reality of his problems with his mother.
One of the goals of improving his relationship with his mother is

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