
Evaluation Of Students Attending Concordia College

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Methods Participants 51 participants - some of which were undergraduate students attending Concordia College, currently enrolled in an introductory psychology course - completed an online questionnaire that measured both extraversion and conscientiousness. They rated these two traits in both themselves and their oldest or youngest sibling, depending on which they identify as. Youngest children rated the firstborns in their family, and firstborns rated the last borns. Our participants needed to either be the firstborn or the last born in order for us to eliminate as much error as possible. Our participants were either students from ages 18-22 or adults no older than 50, and we surveyed both males and females. Design and Procedure Participants were sent an email with the consent form. Once they electronically signed it, we emailed them the link to an online questionnaire we created. The word “birth-order” was eliminated to reduce any bias that could occur, though we did ask participants to specify whether they are the firstborn or last born in their family. We also asked them to identify their gender, if they chose to. Participants rated themselves first, answering questions that measured their extraversion and conscientiousness, followed by a number of questions about their sibling’s extraversion and conscientiousness, as well as their sibling’s gender. Materials The questionnaire consisted of 32 items, with 28 focusing on the extraversion and conscientiousness measures.

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